Acne Treatments ow to Get Rid of Pimples Properly

Pimples are caused by the overproduction of sebum oil which lubricates the skin and hair. I''m Jackie with how to get rid of pimples properly. When the skin's pores become clogged with sebum, pimples can form. Talk to your doctor if your acne's serious or if you're unable to control it. The best way to get rid of pimples and acne is to keep your face clean. Bring a pot of water to a boil, then turn down the stove to medium or low. While the water is steaming, make a tent over your head to catch the steam around your face. You can use a towel for this. Be careful not to put your face too close to the pot or boiling water. Do this once a week for about ten minutes, then wash your face with a gentle facial wash specially formulated for oily or combination skin. Use an oil free moisturizer. Try to keep your hands and hair away form your face to reduce oil and dirt. Also, put clean pillow cases on your pillows every three to four days. If you already have pimples, don't pop them. This can lead to secondary infection and scarring. With proper care, they'll go away on their own. Remember, to get rid of pimples properly, steam your pores, keep your face clean, avoid touching your face too much and don't pop pimples. Check with your doctor for severe cases or if you think the spot may be something other than a pimple. I'm Jackie with how to get rid of pimples properly. Have a super day.