Caring for Skin ow to Get Rid of Acne Spots

Hi I'm Kelli I'm an aesthetician and makeup artist at Ultra Salon and cosmetics. And I'm going to talk to you a little bit about how to get rid of acne spots. Basically what happens if you're picking a blemish or heal a blemish and you pick a scab off the face and you go out into the sun without sun protection it's going to cause that area to hyper pigment and therefore leave a scar. So there are a few things that you can do to help to get rid of that scarred skin. First thing is exfoliation just using either a form of alphahydroxy which alphahydroxy are fruit derived acids that actually penetrate deeper into the skin to help to exfoliate and bring healthier skin cells to the surface and get rid of that damaged hyper pigmented area and bring healthy more even toned skin to the surface. Another thing that you can do is use some sort of fading gel which this is actually a post acne spot lightening gel. It has a two percent hydroquinone. Hydroquinone is a pigment inhibitor so basically it's going to stop melanin from producing on that part of the skin and it's going to help to lighten an existing discoloration. So all you do is just take a small amount and she really doesn't have any scarring but we can just pat a little bit on just to show. So you just pat it on that spot, let it penetrate and then just follow up with a sunscreen. You want to make sure that you use a sunscreen because if you go out in the sun without protection, without using hydroquinone you are basically defeating your purpose. So those are some things that you can do to lighten acne spots.