Chemical Peel

So chemical peels are used for multiple different concerns. A patient may choose a specific chemical peel for a different concern, whether it be mild pigmentation, either, acne scars that they are concerned about, or just rejuvenation of the skin. The different types of chemical peels that we have in the office do vary. Procedure time for a chemical peels can take anywhere from about thirty minutes. It's a fairly quick procedure, it's a non-invasive procedure. Some patients can experience, you know, some warming to the skin, and, or stinging or burning-like sensation. There is a fan used to calm down the sensation to make it a lot more tolerable for the patient. For the most part, it's fairly comfortable. With each patient we will tailor the specific treatment to them, which can depend on the degree of downtime as well with each chemical peel. The more aggressive the peel, the more downtime which can include flaking and peeling and redness, which can last up to a week's time, whereas the mild chemical peels can cause just a little bit of redness or flaking for just a couple of days. So the end result with the chemical peels is to give the patient a nice refreshed glow to the skin, help with mild pigmentation, also you know, if they have those deeper, pitted acne scars, if we've helped to smooth them out a little bit more, and you know reduce the appearance with the chemical peels, make people to feel better about themselves, and target those concerns that bother them.