Day 69 of "90 Days to Freedom" (from PCOS olistic treatment option #1...

Hi everyone! It's Katie Humphrey. We're here with Day 69 of 90 Days to Freedom. Every day for 90 days, I'm giving you my personal tips and strategies that I used to holistically reverse my symptoms with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) to achieve abundant health and consistently achieve excellence in other areas of my life. If you ever wanna know more about me, my website is and you can always watch this video series at So every week we have a new theme. This week we've really been discussing what we started to discuss yesterday other holistic options that you have regarding treatments to help reverse your symptoms with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). So I was really talking yesterday and kind of prepping you for the week talking about what it means to be holistic. It's kind of a lifestyle. You treat the body as a whole. It really is a new mindset. It really is a new mentality especially if you are in the United States or in another country or culture where most people rely on synthetic medications to get them through life. Like I've said before as disclaimer, always check with your doctor before stopping taking medications and taking supplements. Anything that you do you need to talk to your doctor before you begin any type of a wellness program or make a decision like that regarding your health. I have to say that I do believe that synthetic medication has its place. I said that yesterday. But as far as treating an ongoing syndrome and condition you must find another way if you really want to achieve true abundant health. So for the next few days we're gonna discuss different holistic treatment options. I discussed this in FreedomFromPCOS. And today I specifically want to talk about acupuncture. I'm also gonna tell you on where to get more information because I'm sort of the catalyst showing you where to get all these information. But I'm certainly not an acupuncturist. I certainly don't perform any type of holistic treatments or anything. I'm just sort of telling you what has worked for me and what are the powerful treatments that are working out there. Today I wanna talk about acupuncture. This is going to be brief because like I've said I'll show you where you can learn more about it. So acupuncture is one of those things thatโ€ฆ it's a treatment that's been around for centuries. It really gets to the root issue of a lot of problems. Women with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) because it's an endocrine disorder that causes hormonal imbalance women with PCOS can really benefit from acupuncture. It opens up the shakras. It balances the meridians if I'm even saying that right. I know what it does as far as thinking the way my body feels afterwards. It really just balances all your systems. After getting treatment for a few months, you see a huge difference whether it's a weight loss, improved moods, more energy.