Diet & Nutrition ow to Eat for Better Skin

I'm Katie Adams, a registered dietitian with Decathlon Club, part of Western Athletic Clubs. To improve your skin, the best thing you can do, is to stay hydrated. Your body is made up of over 50% water, so if you're dehydrated, your skin will show it. Water also flushes toxins out of the body, so remember to sip throughout the day. Another thing you can do, is to try to avoid fatty foods in your diet, as much as possible. Limit fried foods, and foods high in oil. They can clog arteries over time, which restricts your blood flow, and that can have an effect on your skin. Another thing you can do, is to make sure you eat a wide variety of fruits and vegetables, every day. Fruits and vegetables contain vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, all of which have benefits on the body. If your body is healthy on the inside, it will show on the outside. I'm Katie Adams, a registered dietitian, with Decathlon Club, part of Western Athletic Clubs, and that is how you can eat to improve your skin.