Discovering Effective Treatment for Rosacea - Sarah's Story - Dermalex

I first developed Rosacea when I was about sixteen I was aware of it because it runs in my family and that's when I first started noticing the redness and spots and I started to think, oh no! I tried some creams, I tried different make-ups, I tried gels, antihistamines, I've tried steroids as well which are quite bad for you to use. But, none of those have really made a difference. My face would look red across the cheeks, across my nose and under my chin here and I would have little spots, but they weren't spots in the conventional sense, they were just sore and red and there was nothing that you could do about them. Living with Rosacea, it knocks your confidence and it brings you to a point where you think why am I bursting into tears over this, but I think it is really embarrassing. People don't have to be nasty to you or they don't have to make rude comments, they just have to notice it and once they notice it you think, I failed again. I was in the pharmacy just picking up a normal prescription for the steroids that I had been using and I'd been quite keen to stop using them. I saw the range of Dermalex that was just sort of displayed in the pharmacy and I saw there was one for Rosacea and I thought oh well you've tried everything else so you might as well give it a go. I took it home, I waited until that night when I'd taken my make-up off just put it on and I woke up in the morning and I could see my skin was less angry looking it was a bit softer to touch and I thought well I'll keep up and see how it goes and since then it's been really good. Dermalex has just given me the ability to relax about my skincare and not have to use harsh things on my skin and manage it a lot easier. For people that are thinking about using Dermalex I would say just try it. Try it and see, because I wasn't that sure and the results that I have had have been brilliant and they continue to be brilliant, so give it a try.