Facial Skin Care Tips cne Treatment & Skin Care Tips

Some acne tip cne is caused by dirt getting into the pores of your skin; it's caused by heredity and hormones. It's not necessarily the type of food that you eat; I know that that is a common myth. But it is a myth that most of the time caused by dirt getting into the follicles on the face and the pores. To avoid acne you want to avoid any unnecessary touching of the face. Try to keep your hands off of your face; your hands contain oil, they could be dirty which causes contamination on the skin which causes acne. If you do get acne, any pimples, try not to pick them. Picking, scratching and rubbing them can cause the situation to worsen and cause them to scar. So you want to avoid touching them all together and especially picking at it. Acne, again, is just when the pores get clogged with excess oil and excess dirt. Some treatments for this would be any products that contain salicylic acid, benzyl peroxide, sulfur; I mean you want to try to find some sort of cleanser or acne topical treatment that contains one of those ingredients. Try to avoid getting sunburned. The sun can irritate acne and can cause more redness. And again you just want to avoid the sun. Try to find a lotion or some sort of oil absorbing moisturizer to use. Again, people want, they believe that if you've got acne they don't want to put anything that makes their face more oily. But you also don't want to strip that. So find some sort of lotion and no picking.