Healthy Skin Care educing Skin Pore Size

Does it seem like your pores are getting larger and larger? My name is Keeley Selvage with "Keeley's Skin Solutions" and I'm going to show you how to reduce the size of large pores. The first thing you want to remember is that oil and dirt and dead skin they fill the pores and they stretch them out so that they are going to get larger. If they stay that way for long enough then the pores will begin to always look large like that so we want to keep them cleaned out. Clean your skin every day morning and night. Wash and rinse twice each time. Also what you want to do is and I'm going to show you how to do that. So and I'm going to show you how to do that. So first of all like I said start with clean skin which our model has clean skin right now, she has washed and rinsed twice and then you can apply a warm compress to the skin. There you go. What that is going to do is keep, open up the pores and it is also going to soften the tissue of the skin so that you can cleanse the pores well and the dirt and impurities will come out much easier once you put that mask on . What also works is a steamy shower. Make sure the water is not too hot but some nice steam will open up those pores as well. Hold that on there for a second. You want to keep that warm compress on for as long as the rag stays warm, five minutes would be the max but at least one minute. So go ahead and take that off for me. So you want to take your purifying mask, any mask that has a clay base is going to be purifying. This one actually has some amino acids in them which are going to exfoliate the skin as well so it is taking away that dead skin that is clogging those pores and keeping them open. So you want to apply it in an upward motion and keep it nice and thick and let that stay on for five to ten minutes as long as you can stand it and wash it off with a warm wash cloth and maybe rinse it with some warm water. That's going to help too. Also make sure you are always drinking plenty of water. That water is going to help for your body to get rid of its toxins naturally and so therefore it is also going to help for the oil in your skin to be pure and be able to get rid of that dirt and oil on the skin as well. My name is Keeley Selvage with "Keeley's Skin Solutions" and that is how you reduce the size of your pores.