Healthy Skin Care ow to Do Homemade Scar Removal

Did you get a nasty cut or maybe even recent surgery and you're afraid it is going to cause a scar? Hi my name is Keeley Selvage with "Keeley Skin Solutions" and I'm going to tell you how to reduce the look of that scar. The first thing you want to do is get an oil. You can use olive oil, you can use baby oil but what I like to use is almond oil and it is very hydrating to the skin and you want to apply it to the scar and you want to massage it for five to ten minutes. The reason for that is because it is going to bring blood to the area of the scar which is going to aid in healing and it is also bringing circulation to the scar and also it is going to break up scar tissue which of course is going to make that scar much less apparent. If it is an old scar what you want to do is get a strong exfoliation to remove that dead skin of the scar. You can see a professional for that. You can also get over the counter creams that will reduce the appearance of that scar. My name is Keeley Selvage with "Keeley's Skin Solutions" and that is how you reduce the look of a scar.