Healthy Skin Care ow to Remove Adhesive From Skin

Does that adhesive from your band aids seem to be lingering a bit too long? My name is Keeley Selvage with "Keeley's Skin Solutions" and I'm going to show you how to get rid of that itchiness. We have a band aid here and we are going to go ahead and take it off, faster is only better. We have a little bit of adhesive left on the skin and what we're going to do first is apply a little bit of oil, baby oil is good, vegetable oil. I always use almond oil for everything because it is good for the skin too. You can rub it on there and you want to take a wash cloth and just chi, chi, chi, chi, until it is gone. One thing you can also use is if you have it handy Vodka. The alcohol will actually dissolve the adhesive. You can put Vodka on your wash rag, apply it to the adhesive, and it's gone. That is how you remove adhesive from the skin. My name is Keeley Selvage with "Keeley's Skin Solutions", your go to girl for skin.