How to do Microdermabrasion sing Microdermabrasion to Remove Scars

On behalf of, my name is Angie Yarid from LA Wax and Skincare Center in good ole sunny Miami, Florida, and today we're going to be talking about diamond microdermabrasion. We were talking about the different areas of the body, and we can do the microdermabrasion on for scars, discoloration, acne, sun damage. Let's take a look at this burn that Mary has on her hand. Now this is fairly recent, so it would not be advisory for you to do microdermabrasion on this scar because it's still not healed as yet. However, this is something that you have to be careful about. Do not do microdermabrasion on a scar that is fairly fresh. She should really wait like maybe a couple of months before she even attempts to have this done. Of course your aesthetician or your cosmetologist or your doctor or dermatologist, whoever that you're going to, that does this service will be able to explain to you the reason why you should wait to have this done.