How to get a six pack abs (Learn How to get a six pack FAST!)

How to get a six pack abs (Learn How to get a six pack FAST!) Vide ello everybody,welcome.This is Jackie from girlwithnoname dot com and i'm here today with none other author Mike Geary, the author of my personal number one fitness bible and the book that got me probably on the road to getting and keeping my abs in case you haven't guessed which book Im talking about but now it's the one called the truth about six packs and its one of the best sellers on the internet and if you are wondering why i'll tell you it's because it is the truth and it works and i'm living proof before i found truth about abs i was one of the people that worked out like mad always doing the same things and always getting same results which are basically no results Then i got my hands on it and everything just came together for me You guysd got to listen in here cause Mikes got lots of important things to say they say there's no magic pill and they're right,it takes work,but it takes right kind of work to get there and info in truth abut abs is the answer so i'm sure you can tell by now Im completely stoke by having Mike here and i think this is quite an honor welcome mike thanks so much Jackie,I appreciate your kind words and Im glad you finally track me down Yeah me to,so let's get down to it because i know you're busy guy and i want to make sure theres lots of time for lots of good info,so to start of why dont you tell us a little bit more about yourself and your background sure well Ive been a personal trainer for about a decade now and got certified as nutrition specialist uh... about six or seven years ago also and uh... so I actually used to work as a scientists as well so i have a good sort of chemistry and biology background and all that that makes me very scientific minded about when i'm thinking about nutrition and exercise programs and and such... I ended up writing truth about six pack abs because when i was working as a trainer I say about ninety percent of the questions i got on a regular basis were were about losing stomach fat or getting six pack abs,so I knew there was for that topic and it was some people were confused about and um... and i knew there was a lot of you know a lot of plaids and gimmicks on the topic you know diet pills and infomercial gadgets something like that so i've figured to put together this product,dispelling those myths and call it the truth about six pack abs Well i think they were pretty lucky because you decided to share your knowledge with us because i know that it's the thing that straighten me out when I was doing the same things all over and over again and getting nowhere so and misconceptions what does it takes to get lean and get a six-pack um... let me ask the burning question that i'm sure is on everyone's minds right off the bat and that is just how many crunches does it take to get six pack abs and i know that uh... thats eluded question because i you know the answer is zero that there can be a timer place for certain variations of crunches and I put them in some of my routines... but I make sure to balance them out you know with exercises that woek the entire core and work your lower back to make sure theres balance there but to be honest i don't you know i i don't even do any crunches in my routines any more.I used to years ago and... most my clients dont do them neither and... Ill kind of explain when we get in more why that is but I think it is pretty ineffective exercise and doesnt really most importantly doesn't stimulate your metabolism you know compared to doing other types of full body exercises