How to treatment for oily skin to prevent acne

Each person has a different skin type. Some of the more common skin types are sensitive, dry and oily skin. Today I am going to be concentrating on oily skin, one of the more common complaints of people with acne. I'll be discussing how it can develop and ways to minimise oiliness and shine. Hormone imbalances are a common cause of oily skin. For this reason oily skin and associated skin issues such as blemishes can affect people of all ages. Excess oil on the skin can contribute to acne. This is because a build-up of oil clogs pores, blocking in bacteria resulting in swelling and hence the production of a pimple. If you're someone with oily skin it is important to find skincare products to suit your skin type. For instance, when looking at products like make-up or moisturiser, choose varieties that are water-based or labelled, noncomedogenic," such as Papulex Oil-Free Cream, as these products are tested to ensure that they do not block pores. Also, it's a good idea to apply oil-free sunscreen when going out into the sun or choose an oil-free make-up that contains a high SPF. Using clay face masks can help to draw the oil away from the skin.