Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) Photo Facial

DEBBIE>>> What brings you to New Radiance today? LARS>>> For today I am interested in treating my lower eyes. I have redness that I would like to have removed. DEBBIE>>> I do see a lot of little linear vessels up in the cheek area, and yeah that is due to genetics, sun exposure. So what we can do is we can do an intense pulsed light treatment. What that is is certain wavelengths of light and what it's going to do is its going to effect the surface of the skin, the upper layers, where these little broken vessels are. Their walls have lost their elasticity so they stay open and fill with blood and that's why we can see them at the surface. So my end goal is to heat them up enough to collapse the vessel walls, and they'll still be there but you gotta give it about two to three weeks to just be reabsorbed into the body and you'll see less reddening. You're probably looking at anywhere from three to six treatments. I don't have a crystal ball. I can't predict how well they'll react. But we'll try to the best we can each time you come in, and you'll see less and less redness. And then every so often if you see them starting to come back, we're going to do maintenance. Okay you just have that type of skin. You're very fair. You're going to have a little redness for maybe a half hour, maybe a couple hours depending on how well your skin reacts. Maybe a mild sunburn type feeling but that will dissipate. You should have no problem. My only concern is I want you to be very strict about using sunscreen because you are going to be more sun sensitive as I heat up your skin. So, very strict use of sunscreen. How'd you hear of New Radiance? LARS>>> I've had some work done. In my opinion, the staff that works hear has been very professional with me not only with my business but just in general with my treatments. And for me that's everything. That counts for everything. It's very difficult to find a business that are good at what they do and on top of that have good bedside manners and really are concerned about the client and not about the money aspect. DEBBIE>>> Well that's what we are here for to make sure you get the right treatment and get the results that you expect. LARS>>> So that's why I am here. DEBBIE>>> What we are going to do is we are going to treat these vessels that have the redness. So that's what we are gearing it for. You don't have a lot of brown spots. If you have brown spots, my goal would be to get them as dark as I can for them to flake off, okay? But you don't have that. We're going to use a lower setting so you don't have to worry. You're gonna feel like a snapping sensation, a little bit of heat and that's it, okay? You may feel a little bit of a sunburned type pinch for a little bit for maybe a half hour or so, but that will go away. My goal is to heat those vessels up so the vessel walls will collapse and then they'll stop filling and gradually the body will reabsorb them and you'll look less red and the skin tone will look more even. LARS>>> Since I do have sensitive skin is this going to hurt more? DEBBIE>>> No. Same for everybody. LARS>>> Tough exterior, softie on the inside. DEBBIE>>> Oh yeah we got a lot of broken vessels up and through here that we're going to work on. Okay so let me get some gloves on and then I am going to put goggles on. Even though I put these goggles on you, and your eyes are closed, you're still going to see a flash of light. So don't be alarmed. LARS>>> I'll just think of it as a camera. DEBBIE>>> That's right like the old time cameras. There you go? Okay are you comfortable? LARS>>> Very. DEBBIE>>> What I am going to do is I'm going to put some ultrasound gel on your skin. That's for protection; to give me good contact. LARS>>> Okay what you are going to feel first of all, when I place the crystal on your skin, is cold. [Machine whirring] DEBBIE>>> When I fire the apparatus what you're going to feel is like a little zapping sensation. Okay ready? How was that? LARS>>> It was fine. DEBBIE>>> Okay I am just going to check and see what the reaction is here. Okay that's good. Here we go. I am just going to keep going. [Beeps] DEBBIE>>> Okay we're gonna go to the other side. I'm just gonna smear this around here a bit. Here we go. [Beeps] DEBBIE>>> Okay I am just going to double check. You're going out for the weekend so we're not gonna do anything too drastic and then what we'll do is, Lars, when you know you don't have something coming up and I can be aggressive, you're gonna come back in and we'll do it. LARS>>> Well the only thing I'm doing is I'm taking the bike out, the chopper out. DEBBIE>>> Well yeah you're taking your bike out and you'll be out in the sun. LARS>>> Yes. DEBBIE>>> I'm just going to put some [sunscreen] on the area I treated. There you go. Okay? LARS>>> Yes ma'am. DEBBIE>>> All done.