Mike Walden's Acne Treatment Program "Acne No More" Review

The Acne No More program is a Holistic, which means "whole" or "complete" acne treatment system developed by nutritionist and medical researcher Mike Walden. The program offers a Step-By-Step Method by which you can Permanently Cure Your Acne Within 2 Months and at least have you Seeing Results In Less Than 7 Days. I am sure your search for a cure to your acne has lead you all over the place by now and like most people, you have heard a whole bunch of theories on the whys and wherefores of acne. So before I go any further let's get one thing perfectly clear about this program. There is no quick fix, miracle cure or magic bullet that is going to make your acne go away. I really wish there was... but there isn't. The Acne No More program does require you to stick to it and stay close to the program. Although it's no walk in the park the results from people honestly doing the program are excellent so if you do it, you will get the results you are looking for. So let's get down to some facts regarding acne and why I believe the Acne No More Program is well worth trying. Some acne "gurus" tell you to avoid all fruits, soy and carbs, others tell you that soy is actually good for your health and that eating whole grains and some fruit wouldn't interfere with your acne healing process. Some say vitamin B-5 is excellent; others say avoid that at all costs. Some say benzol peroxide is great for treating acne, others tell you it can actually aggravate your condition. Some say the only way to cure acne is to apply a clear skin diet, others say diet is not a factor when it comes to curing acne but probiotics are. This list of "do's" and "dont's" can just go on and on and the frustrating part is that they all seem to make sense in some way so who are you supposed to believe? Acne medication is not the solution to acne. This goes directly to what I have already mentioned regarding quick fixes and miracle cures only in this case they look a little more respectable because they are doled out by Doctors. Antibiotics work by decreasing inflammation and fighting infection. Adapalene is an acne medication that helps control acne and prevent breakouts. Accutane is a very strong acne medication prescribed only in severe cases on acne, infamous for its serious side effects. Steroids aiming at reducing inflammation caused by acne but in the process place significant stress on your liver which in turn could actually lead you to be even more prone to acne breakouts. With all of these we are talking short term relief, the possibility of some very unwanted side effects and absolutely no attempt to deal with the root cause of the acne in the first place. Cleansers, creams and other topical treatments are designed to tackle the symptoms of acne, not the real cause. The cause of acne is not acne! Imagine you are riding a bicycle along a road embedded with nails. You keep getting flat tyres. You get off the bike, repair the tyres, ride a few feet and get another flat tyre. The cause of the flat tyre is not the flat tyre... it's the nails and as long as you keep dealing with the tyre and not the nails you will be forever buying new tyres. It's the same for acne. Although some topical treatments may in fact relieve the symptoms and make you more comfortable they will not cure acne. The only way to overcome your acne, regardless of the type of acne is that you will have to get down to the level of root cause of the acne. What is making it happen in the first place? Acne is not a problem with your skin. Acne is the outer sign that there is something seriously out of balance inside your body. It is a symptom of an internal disorder that effects your body and shows itself as acne. Our bodies are designed to protect us against skin infections such as acne so it is a big warning sign that something is WRONG inside your body that needs to be corrected and that's where the Acne No More program comes in. The "Acne No More System" is a 220 page book offering a step-by-step program to help you get rid of acne regardless of what type it is. It has been shown to be extremely successful with all types of acne even those that are considered to be untreatable due to hormone fluctuations. The program is not one size fits all and is totally adjustable to Your Unique situation understanding that each person is completely different. You will be taught, step-by-step, how to detect your own factors within your body that need attention while working with the plan to overcome your acne. In conclusion I truly have no hesitation in recommending the Acne No More treatment program with only one provision. The key to success with this program is that you have to do it and stick with it and you will get rid of your acne so good luck!