Perioral Dermatitis

Welcome to Atlantic Dermatology, located in Wilmington, North Carolina. I'm Dr. Crane. I am a board certified dermatologist and I'm here to talk about Perioral Dermatitis. Its a rash that almost looks like acne, but it comes up just right around the mouth and when we see this rash right around the mouth, almost in a circular area, it looks like acne but its not over the rest of the face, thats when we think of Perioral Dermatitis. Perioral Dermatitis can occur in people of all ages. It can occur in men and women, although its probably a little more common in women. Its a little more common between the ages of ten and about forty. Its typically treated with topical antibiotics, sometimes Azithromycin, topical Clindamycin and you can put on the topical antibiotic twice a day and then many times we will also add on an antibiotic by mouth, such as Doxycycline and you might take one of those pills a day. Usually within two to three weeks theres a significant improvement in the Perioral Dermatitis and hopefully by about a month, month and a half, its clear. Sometimes when you stop the topical medication as well as the pills by mouth, the rash can come back. So we will typically taper down on the oral antibiotic, get them off the oral antibiotic. If they are still doing well, we look to taper the topical antibacterial medications. So if your having a tough time with a rash around your mouth, or Perioral Dermatitis, then see your dermatologist.