Dรฉcolletรฉ Micro Laser Peel by Dr Kevin Tehrani at Aristocrat Plastic Surgery

Hi Debbie, how are you? - Good. How are you? -Good. So we're gonna follow up. It 's been a month since we did your Micro Laser Peel and a light treatment for the brown spots on your chests. How is that working for you? I love it. It's so much lighter, it looks great. I even wore a low cut blouse the other day and I felt so comfortable. What about your Botox? Amazing. Amazing. It's just... I feel so much younger. My skin is so much smoother. It looks really nice, you had a nice soft correction and little bit of a brow lift, or what we call a Botox brow lift. So, that looks really nice, I'm glad. All right, so let's take a look at your chests. Great, so we definitely see fewer of the brown spots. -Definitely. -Overall texture and tone of your skin is improved. I definitely think we need to do another treatment. Let's talk about some things we can do for the face. - OK. We can definitely even that pigment out again with, probably, a Micro Laser Peel. The benefit of the Micro Laser Peel is, we can definitely treat the entire face, focus on underneath your eyes where you've got a little bit creepiness and we see some of the aging starting here. And you actually will see the skin, almost right before your eyes, retract and tighten with the Micro Laser Peel. -Great. Perfect. This is Debbie May and she's one month status post Miro Laser Peel, and the light treatment for the dรฉcolletรฉe. She was very happy, we are going to do another treatment today. But she's expressed some concerns about her lower eyelids. These changes here and then also the uneven skin tone, so I discussed just briefly with her about Micro Laser Peel and we'd like you to see her. I agree, that's... You do have a little bit of creepiness in your lower part of the eyelids and we want to kinda tighten up that really nicely for you. And also some of the irregularity seen in the skin discolorations, we can do by removing the top layer of your skin in very small incremental levels. Once we remove that, the new skin that comes through is kinda like baby skin, nice and smooth, without discolorations. And they won't have the irregularities or the small little wrinkles they now have. We can get rid of these for you. We are going to put some gel on your skin. I've gone up on the fluids on the energy today. We got great results the last treatment. We are going to go a little bit higher today. If at any time you feel like you need to take a break, or if it feels too warm let me know, but remember that the actual crystal that I'm putting on your chest, that the light that comes through has a cooling, so, you know, it is well tolerated. - Great! Anytime we do a light treatment, whether to the face or the chest, because we are heating the dermis and when you heat the dermis, it stimulate the fiberglass to reduce collagen. So, why not treat the entire area and rejuvenate the skin. How are you doing, Debbie? - Great! We treated you with a light treatment, not a laser treatment, that's going to come next. With a light treatment, with a wavelength of 5.15 which is perfect for the dark spots. -OK. This specific wavelength targets the brown pigment. So, what it does is that the brown pigment attracts that light, it heats up, and then eventually what is going to happen over the next couple of weeks, these brown spots are going to get darker, almost like coffee brown. And then they are going to flake off. That looks great. WOW! Happy? Yeah! -It looks awesome! It looks even better than the last time. All right, just keep doing that. That is perfect. All right Debbie, you are going to feel very little and mainly you are going to hear a loud noise, OK? And that's all you are going to hear. -OK! How is that, OK? -Perfect, I feel nothing. Let's do this side for you. Put your face a little bit this way for me. Perfect. But, with this level your going to be able to see your results in less than a week. And just rejuvenated, nice, collagen fused face without wrinkles on it. That is exactly what you are going to get. -Perfect! That wasn't too bad, right? -No, all you do is feel a little bit of heat. That's not a big deal. It's been six weeks since my treatment and here I'm sitting on this beautiful beach with my brand new skin. I'm feeling so wonderful. These little petite freckles, used to be horrible aged spots. And now I'm feeling so young and so confident, and so will you.