How to Apply Makeup ow to Get Rid of Blackheads for Good

Hi, I'm Kelli. I'm an aesthetician and makeup artist at Ulta Salon and Cosmetics, and I'm going to give you some tips on how you can get rid of blackheads for good. First thing you want to make sure you do is keeping your skin really nice and clean, and also exfoliated. Using a salicylic based blemish buffing bead is a really great product that you can use to help get rid of blackheads; actually is a grainy scrub. Also, has salicylic acid in it which helps to pull the impurities out of the pores, so it's one thing that you can do. Another thing that you can do is a clay sulfur based mask, so this is a mask that you can put on, leave sit for about five to ten minutes. Just need a thin layer. And sulfur is a drawing agent, so it's going to draw any impurities out of the pores, and help to dissolve any blackheads. Another thing that you can do is an intensive medicated blackhead treatment. This is a two percent salicylic acid product, and this, basically what you do is you just take it, you're going to target to wherever your concerned with blackheads, and this is going to help to basically dissolve the blackhead and pull it out of the pore. So, those are some things that you can do to get rid of blackheads for good.