On behalf of expertvillage.com, my name is Angie Yarid from LA Wax and Skincare Center in good ole sunny Miami, Florida, and today we're going to be talking about diamond microdermabrasion. Okay another good thing about the diamond microdermabrasion, or microdermabrasion on the whole, is that we're able to use it for extracting blackheads and whiteheads on the face, especially with the nostril and across the cheeks. Okay so we're going to do some extraction right here. Because of this suction with the machine, it's going to be able to pull, and of course it's also exfoliating the top layer of the skin as well. See as she's turning pink, we know that that area's already done. Now we're going to do the nose, and we do this an upward position because gravity pulls down and we don't want to upset the applicant right, so we make it effective in the right way. See she's pink in that area, so we know that the application has worked.
How to do Microdermabrasion xtracting Whiteheads & Blackheads With Microdermabrasion
On behalf of expertvillage.com, my name is Angie Yarid from LA Wax and Skincare Center in good ole sunny Miami, Florida, and today we're going to be talking about diamond microdermabrasion. Okay another good thing about the diamond microdermabrasion, or microdermabrasion on the whole, is that we're able to use it for extracting blackheads and whiteheads on the face, especially with the nostril and across the cheeks. Okay so we're going to do some extraction right here. Because of this suction with the machine, it's going to be able to pull, and of course it's also exfoliating the top layer of the skin as well. See as she's turning pink, we know that that area's already done. Now we're going to do the nose, and we do this an upward position because gravity pulls down and we don't want to upset the applicant right, so we make it effective in the right way. See she's pink in that area, so we know that the application has worked.