He's known as the facemaker, he has masterminded prosthetic eyes, ears, noses and from from his memphis downtown business here he's also helping to disguise what many of us suffer from, scars Like this chicken pox scar on Samantha Fitzgerald's forehead "To me, when I look at myself on camera it's the first thing I see." not good for a model who works the Grizzlies crowds. Matt Singer creator of the scar concealer, Dermaflage noticed Sam and mentioned his product and now she's uses it. It takes her five minutes she first puts on the scar primer let it dry and and squeezes a little dermaflage and uses the texture pad to set it. Voila! It's gone. When she takes it off the scar reappears. You can theoretically wear for over a day and going swimming or working out without the fear of it coming off. Singer owns Silicone Arts Labs and is the maker of Dermaflage and his first version of the product came out four years ago, he improved the formula And recently released a new version. where we actually do all the color mixing of the silicon, all the tone variations. they make skin tones for each ethnicity. Jennifer Lendinghand has no milk white skin uses it She was accidentally shot in the face while out with friends five months ago. It went through the side of my nose and across my cheek right here. Her scars are more difficult they criss-cross in all directions it takes a longer to apply it but you see it works. and this is without make up over the Dermaflage. It looks like me before I was like myself again. Is it only for scars? Meet Marianne she says so what about the Botox! She uses it to fill in her eleven lines that develop between the eyes. And this is just when you use it, it goes away. Like wow. Gone for good until you pull it off though lines are back
Instant Wrinkle and Scar Filler and Coverup
He's known as the facemaker, he has masterminded prosthetic eyes, ears, noses and from from his memphis downtown business here he's also helping to disguise what many of us suffer from, scars Like this chicken pox scar on Samantha Fitzgerald's forehead "To me, when I look at myself on camera it's the first thing I see." not good for a model who works the Grizzlies crowds. Matt Singer creator of the scar concealer, Dermaflage noticed Sam and mentioned his product and now she's uses it. It takes her five minutes she first puts on the scar primer let it dry and and squeezes a little dermaflage and uses the texture pad to set it. Voila! It's gone. When she takes it off the scar reappears. You can theoretically wear for over a day and going swimming or working out without the fear of it coming off. Singer owns Silicone Arts Labs and is the maker of Dermaflage and his first version of the product came out four years ago, he improved the formula And recently released a new version. where we actually do all the color mixing of the silicon, all the tone variations. they make skin tones for each ethnicity. Jennifer Lendinghand has no milk white skin uses it She was accidentally shot in the face while out with friends five months ago. It went through the side of my nose and across my cheek right here. Her scars are more difficult they criss-cross in all directions it takes a longer to apply it but you see it works. and this is without make up over the Dermaflage. It looks like me before I was like myself again. Is it only for scars? Meet Marianne she says so what about the Botox! She uses it to fill in her eleven lines that develop between the eyes. And this is just when you use it, it goes away. Like wow. Gone for good until you pull it off though lines are back