My Nerium adventure (continued 3)

Hello YouTubers and fellow esties. Christine Byer here. Licensed Master Esthetician in Austin, Texas. I just wanted to give a quick update as to what is going on with me and Nerium. Well as you all know I started using the product actually May 30th. Thought it was the 25th but it was the 30th. And I'm noticing some really good changes in my skin. I was just blown away by the product so I became a preferred customer And within two weeks I became a brand partner. I'm like, who am I kidding? I'm selling the pants off this stuff I think You know, it's been a little bit of a rocky road for me It's been 30 some days that I've been a brand partner. And I did not fast start qualify. I went on vacation for two weeks. ...the week after I joined. And I'm like well, everything sort of fell by the wayside. But I did stay connected, but I was on vacation, you know. And so, I wish I would have had a few extra days. I have the points I needed a couple days ago to fast start qualify. Anyhow, its not going to impede my progress. You know, I had such a hard time with the whole mlm practice because the whole mlm business, because I thought You know, here I am an esthetician. I want to prescribe...I want to prescribe. I want all my products to be professional products. And not, you know, something you can get at Macy's, The truth is, prescribed or not this is an awesome product. And it's going to be a household name. It's going to be. I knew I needed to be a part of it Because I liked the product so much. But then when I got to the company I was like "Woah!" What is this? This is insane! Because the company is just growing so fast. Its just on a wave, you know. It's growing and growing. And so I had to work through some stuff. It was a tough pill to swallow that Joe the construction worker form Iowa was making boocoo bucks in my profession. Where I have studied so hard in the last 13-14 years And done all these things. It was a little bit demoralizing And done all these things. It was a little bit But what I realized is that Studying was my problem. That's all I did. My personal development really wasn't coming along. I wasn't growing as a business person because You know I'm working by myself. I'm a sole practitioner. And I just wasn't expanding. And as my business was getting busier I found it was sort of hard to ask for all the work I'd done be reimbursed for every single thing. Oh I'll just do that for free. You know and I like, wait a minute! It's crazy. And so I think joining Nerium has helped me recognize my worth. And, um, I love the parties. I love the ...having them. Going to them. Being a part of something larger than me. I'm one of six kids and I think this working on my own thing has really backed me into a corner I really like...I just like the expansive feeling I get by working with something so much bigger than me. On a daily basis I am forced to interact with other esthetcians Because I have, one esthetician sponsored me. I'm sponsoring two other estheticians now Things are happening. And I have to be in contact with them. And I...I freaking love it. It's wonderful. So for those of you who don't know, I'm also a new mother. And so that's very isolating. It's very hard. So I'm kind of coming back Into my own. I also haven't lived in Austin that long. Just 5-6 years. And while I do have friends I don't think there's that closeness there that I've been seeking. So, I like this. I like it alot. I'm in contact with other estheticians via Facebook, via telephone, via everything. Text. And it's alot of fun. I really enjoy that joining Nerium has forced me to grow in those ways. Plus, let's face it. I've been doing facials for 13-14 years. I don't want to be doing facials when I'm 70. I want to be enjoying life. Although I do enjoy doing facials, I want it to be my choice. And...yeah. I have another - my upline, Emilia She's 57. She said the same thing. I want to doing it because it's my choice. Because I love it. And...yeah. So... I think that was a good enough testimonial. Alright wiell thanks for listening to me ramble on. I hope this helps with your decision about Nerium either way Great company. Great product. And it's growing, with or without me. So I decided with me. Alright, thanks for listening.