post surgery- 17 days. Massage and scar care

hey everybody, um I am now about 17 days post-op. this is my chest um, it looks really good. its-- you can still see their incisions have a nice healing ridge which is um, normal and expected (cat) at this stage. Um, The nipples they look really good, you can see the edges of them are nice and healed. you can't... this one, for a while, was looking pretty rough around the edges but is completely healed now. The main reason I wanted to make this video was to show you how I massage, um to try and keep the healing going I use two different products. I use avocado oil I'm which has Omega 6&9 acids in it and vitamin E. This is my natural oil- I am a hippie at heart, and this is what I use I alternate it with a silicone product Pretty much also silicone products are the same. you can use some of those expensive scar oils or you can just go out and buy a silicone lube and um, my personal preference for lube happened to be Wet Platinum, and that's what I had on hand anyway and if you read the active ingredients in its its dimethicone and like cyclo-- cyclopentasiloxane, and Phenyl trimethicone. But i think The Pentyl trimethicone and the dimethicone are the two main ingredients that are in the scar oils-- the scar silicone-based oils so, um, basically what you're getting in the silicone lubes is exactly the same thing that you're getting in the scar oils, but only like, half the price, so save yourself some money and get something like this. this is made use on delicate skin and so is the scar oils. um, so what I do is I apply just a really small amount. that's not even a dime-sized amount and I rub it all along the incision there. I don't get on the nipple at this point because I'm not even three weeks out and if I would rub vigorously on the nipple at this point I can actually damage that graft. it's still too tender. I mean, I can go like that-- but if I would rub vigorously against it, that could injure me. but this scar I can work as vigorously as the pain will allow. and depending on whether or not I've taken ibuprofen recently, I mean, I can work this thing quite vigorously. wherever there's an knot or bump from a suture, I'm gonna work harder because the more vigorous the massage the better the healing is going to be and so I do this on both sides, you know, pretty firm afterward I'm gonna tape it up with scar tape i have "mepicone" (correct brand nam epitac) I think? I'll put it under. and you'll see what it's called. the other thing that I do because I have a little bit of elongation in the nipples is i take, and I massage upward. & i also put some either silicone or avocado oil on my skin when I do this. And i massage downward. bringing in this way. this is a little painful because of the lipo that i had here. So i'm a little more gentle here. then this way. you can see when I do this my nipples straighten out to a little bit rounder than they are now and this should encourage some growth of tissue and hopefully make 'em not stretch so much. All right, there you go!