Unpaid Testimonial - Removing Old Scars with Kelocote Scar Cream

Decreasing my scars is definitely something that makes me happy. My gosh, there's just so many things that you just can't wear, you become self-concious of, and to be able to not have that big giant, unsightly scar...it's a blessing. "Mara Gourdine unpaid testimonial." I grew up as a tomboy so I was always the little girl climbing trees, jumping off rooftops and because I tend to scar really easily, my mom used to say 'NO! Don't! What are you doing?' Because I always had a lot of raised scar tissue. bloody knees the whole time. Coming across Kelo-cote has really changed things for me. I've been able to apply to even some of these old, childhood scars that have lessened and have flattened out. I learned about Kel-cote from my doctor. And he recommended that I use it because I do tend to keloid. He really believes in the product. Really really wanted me to have the best. And he advised for me to use Kelo-cote. See it's funny. This is so interesting because I wear bangles always, or some form of bracelet always on this arm to cover a scar. And this is something that happened when I was seventeen years old. And picture almost an earthworm sitting on top of your arm. It was raised...keloid. And I've tried everything. I've tried cortisone shots, I tried laser treatments. Nothing. And honestly since I've been using Kelo-cote it has flattened out, thinning out. The pink appearance is gone. Become a whole lot softer. I feel gorgeous. I feel more comfortable. Wearing short dresses now and exposing those old tomboy knees. I would definitely recommend Kelo-cote to my friends and to my family. And in fact, I have, actually with co-workers. I've even given them bottles because I have some girlfriends in the office that, you know, feel uncomfortable. Some of them had c-sections and really felt uncomfortable with this new scarring on their stomach. I gave them this product. They have come back to me and said 'Mara, WOW! Thank you so much!' It's really made a big difference. I think a lot of people have most definitely given up hope. You just kind of feel like this is something that you have to live with. And to actually find a product out there that really truly does work is unreal. It's amazing. I feel so lucky that I selected the right doctor on the forefront of the industry and he was smart enough and aware enough to recommend Kelo-cote.