Acn auses, Types, Prevention, Treatment

Welcome to the world of acne. I am going to talk about causes Types, prevention, and treatment of acne. Acne is a skin disorder that is common in people Of any age and ethnicity. It is caused by a bacterium Called propi-Oni-Bacterium acnes. It normally lives on our skin But it thrives in the excess oil. Acne occurs when hair follicles become plugged With oil and dead skin cells. If the clogged pore becomes infected With the bacteria, the bacteria grow in the oil And skin inflammation results. Inflammation causes a pimple To look red and swollen. Acne develops in places Where we have the most sebaceous glands On our face, neck, chest, back, shoulders, and upper arms. Our bodies make more sebum when our hormones surge. Any time hormones fluctuate, acne can flare. Stress may trigger acne. In response to stress The body produces more androgens Which are hormones that stimulate the oil glands And hair follicles in the skin. When oil glands and hair follicles are over-stimulated Such as during times of stress, acne can flare. Genetic predisposition can make some people More vulnerable to acne. Acne is a possible side effect of some medications, Such as anticonvulsants, corticosteroids, and sobriety drugs. What happens inside the clogged pores Determines the type of acne we see. I will talk about 6 types of acne. The first type of acne is blackheads. Blackheads occur when sebum And dead skin cells clog the pore. While the pore is clogged, Its surface remains open. This lets us look into the pore And see the black color. That is why another name for blackheads is "open comedo.” The second type of acne is whiteheads. Whiteheads form when the excess oil and dead skin cells Clog the pore and block the opening of the pore. Because the pore closes, Whiteheads are called “closed comedo.” Open and closed comedo have the potential to evolve into Papules and pustules. A papule is an area of abnormal skin tissue That is less than 1 centimeter around. It has distinct borders And appears in a variety of shapes. Papules are often called skin lesions Which are essentially changes in the color or texture of the skin. Often, papules cluster together to form a rash. Pustules are small bumps on the skin That fill with fluid or pus. A nodule is a growth that forms under the skin. A nodule may be filled with inflamed tissue Or a mixture of tissue and fluid. The collection of colored fluid within a nodule May indicate an infection. Cystic acne is the most severe form of acne Which occurs when oil and dead skin cells Build up deep within hair follicles. The resulting rupture within the skin May form boil-like infections. Cysts can be very painful. People often see Permanent scarring after this type of acne heals. We have to remember that Acne is not caused by dirt And washing the face can keep the skin clean But it cannot heal acne. To prevent the skin From irritation and clogged pores, We should wash our face with a mild facial cleanser Use skin or hair products labeled as Non-comedogenic or non-acnegenic. This means that they are less likely to cause acne. Use daily sun protection To decrease skin sensitivity to sunlight. Avoid everything that irritates your skin. When you get acne, do not squeeze Pop, or pick at it. You can try over-the-counter skin care products That contain salicylic acid. Unfortunately, it is not very helpful in many cases. The good news is that dermatologists Who are dealing with acne every day Can offer us many effective treatments. On the slide you can see examples of available acne treatments. The most effective one is 2.5% Benzoyl Peroxide. Acne bacteria are anaerobic which means that They cannot live in the presence of oxygen And benzoyl peroxide kills 99.9% of them almost instantly. None of us enjoys having acne. It can even cause emotional distress. So let’s remember that acne is a common and treatable disorder. The earlier treatment is started The lower the risk of lasting physical damage.