Allergy Month 2013

That's actually a really good question. We have a lot of patients who ask that same question. It's really difficult to determine without a physical evaluation whether you're having a virus versus allergies. The best thing you can do if you've already tried taking over-the-counter antihistamines is to come in to be seen so that you can have a physical exam and be evaluated by a trained clinician, who can then prescribe you medication that you may need. Patients who should seek treatment for seasonal allergies at RediClinic are those who are having symptoms, perhaps, with their ears, like dizziness or feeling like they have popping in their ears; also patients who are having a lot of drainage or congestion with runny nose. They sometimes may even feel like their throat is irritated from allergy symptoms. There's different things that you can do for your allergies if you're already using the over-the-counter antihistamine, you can come into RediClinic and be evaluated by one of our providers. There is different things that we can prescribe you. There is pills that work in a different way than antihistamines do. There is also some nasal sprays that we can prescribe for you that many times work synergistically with antihistamines that you take over-the-counter. There actually is relief for you when you're having wheezing, coughing, or shortness of breath. At RediClinic, we offer nebulizer treatments for patients with these symptoms. You come in and you're evaluated by the provider on duty and the nebulizer treatment is actually done in the clinic. Usually, patients will experience relief from their symptoms when a nebulizer treatment is performed. More than 60 million Americans children and adults suffer from asthma and allergy. For those who do suffer from the certain conditions, nebulizer treatments are a tremendous relief. Children and adults who are having allergic asthma are appropriate for a nebulizer breathing treatment, but it's really important to remember that if you're having shortness of breath you should call 911. May is National Asthma and Allergy Awareness month. It's peak season for asthma and allergy sufferers and a perfect time to educate your family and friends. We encourage you to share this video to raise awareness about asthma and allergy.