Basic Home Skin Care oisturizing the Skin

Hi, my name is Mary Thinnes, I'm a skin care expert, and the next step I'm going to speak about, which will be step four is moisturizing the skin. And the reason why, as I mentioned before, you want to maintain the proper moisture, 'cause you want to maintain the skin's natural balance. In doing so, your skin will actually look healthier, you'll have the results that you want. So that being said you want to use for oily, acnaic skin you want to definitely use moisturizers that are going to be non-comedogenic. 'Cause as I mentioned before, that's going to cause more breakouts and comedones. And the moisturizers that I would recommend for oily, acnaic skin, the hyaluronic acid again is what I, is one of the moisturizers that is not going to break them out. So definitely find something that doesn't have a lot of different - not a combination of different products - but something that is more like a pure hyaluronic acid like the one that I had mentioned. This one's actually pure hyaluronic acid, you can find them in serums. It's the serum like I had mentioned before. So that would be for oily, acnaic skin. For sensitive skin I would definitely go along the lines - they can also go with the hyaluronic acid as well - but for sensitive skin there are night treatments and the reason why it's called night treatment is because, like I had mentioned before, skin is the largest organ of our body, so it actually breathes, sleeps. I know that sounds a little weird, but it breathes and sleeps and everything else like our whole bodies do. So at night, night moisturizers tend to be on the heavier side. However, for maturer skin you want to go with something heavier and richer because of the fine lines and the dehydration that they have in their skin. So they can always go with something like antioxidants. Moisturizers that have a lot of antioxidants in it for the maturer skin. But as I had mentioned for sensitive skin before, night treatments that are more along the lines of a serum, this is a night treatment that would be good for them too. This has hyaluronic acid in it but it's more like a gel base too, comparable to the hyaluronic acid gel like I had mentioned before. So, pretty much look for something that is not as rich. Maturer skin, you want something richer with antioxidants in it. For sensitive skin you want more of like a night treatment that does have a little bit hyaluronic acid in it, but not as rich, and for acnaic, sensitive skin you want something more like pure hyaluronic acid. And that being said those are the moisturizers for each one of the skin types I'd recommend.