Being Happy With Acne

Heya playas Yo, acne freaking sucks! I received a comment on one of my videos from Uzumaki Naruto saying "Try being happy with acne..." and although it's easier said than done, it is possible. Some people are born with the genes that ensure that the minute you hit puberty, when it comes to acne your life is gonna be a living hell. And seeing tons of bumps... oh God what the hell... Seeing tons of bumps and whitehead's can make you feel kind of depressed. So the best thing you can do is work to keep your face as clean as can be. This means washing your face daily. Things like dead skin cells and excess oils can build up so you want to make sure to get rid of them that all costs. However what you don't want to do is wash your face too frequently or else it's gonna end up being really dry. So here's a simple tip to help your face from getting dry. All you have to do is grab the lotion that you masturbate with and apply it to your face. Just like that. Oh yeah I could feel it now. Oh God that's good. The first step in taking care of your face is being aware of what comes in contact with it. Try not to touch your face with your hands. Think about it your hands come in contact with everything so all that bacteria that you're touching, you're putting it on your face. Now the truth behind connecting greasy foods to acne outbreaks is false. However doctors do recommend adding more fruits and vegetables and whole grains to your diet. Some studies even show that eating foods with Vitamin A can help boost your immunity and skin health. It's also recommended that you workout every single day because it helps reduce stress and increase blood flow. So how does this make you happy at the end of the day when you look in the mirror and you see your face you're probably not gonna like what you see. In time my friend, in time. Stressing out now about how you look or picking at pimples does absolutely nothing good for you in the long run. The truth is, it's a matter of time and conscious effort to actually be happy when you're suffering from acne. If you're looking for a good skincare routine to follow or you want to try out an acne program like accutane, check out RachMartino. She has a ton of videos on skin care tips and her whole process and journey with accutane so if you want to check that out click the link here. So the best tip I can give on being happy with acne is that the next time you look in the mirror don't focus so much and having acne focus on what you did today to help prevent it from happening further. As always guys, love and peace. Hey, if you're new to the channel and you got something like this on your face make sure to click the subscribe button below and don't forget to check out RachMartino, she's a fellow New York YouTuber like me and her videos are very information so her info will be in the description below. Also if you have any questions or ideas for videos that you want me to do just leave it comments section below. I answer pretty much every comment. Yea... this thing is really annoying me.