Skin Car cne ow to Rid Yourself of Pesky Pimples - Really!

Hi I'm Kim with Simply Beautiful in Austin, Texas and I'm going to talk about how to get rid of pesky pimples, really. You have heard a lot of different stories about how to get rid of pimples and the basic idea is you have to know what produces a pimple. It's a blocked oil. Oil is produced under the skin's surface, it purses up through the skin pores, the pores in your skin and is blocked by dead skin, dirt, impurities. So what we have to do really to get rid of them is just keep your skin really clean so wash your face a couple of times a day, exfoliate with a gentle exfoliator at least twice a week. When we are exfoliating we, this is a gentle seven day scrub from Clinique, love this scrub because you could use it every day if you needed to but just really really gently I'm going to do it on your face here, really really gently in a circular motion. What we are doing is we are really just getting the surface dead skin right off, right off your skin. What we are going to do with that is just keep it from blocking those pores so if you learn about what causes acne or what causes those pimples you will be able to figure out how to keep them away and how to get rid of them. If you have a really pesky pimple, one that really won't just go away or a cluster of pimples you may have a bacterial infection which will need to be treated with specific skin antibiotics and for that you will need to visit a dermatologist. One other trick, you will want to get a clay mask, any clay mask, mask your skin a couple of times a week and that will also draw the surface, the impurities to the surface of the skin and exfoliate it. So there won't be blocked pores creating pimples. So it's about maintenance, get your skin clean, maintain your skin and you won't have any more pimples.