Caring for Skin ow to Cure Acne Scars

HI, I'm Kelli. I'm an aesthetician and makeup artist at Ulta Salon and Cosmetics and I'm going to give you some tips on how you can cure acne scars. One of the easiest thing to do is never get an acne scar to begin with. You never want to pick at a blemish or cause your skin to bleed or pick a scab or anything like that and then go out into the sun without any protection. That's going to cause that area of skin to hyper-pigment and lead to a scar. So how you want to get rid of a scar if you do have a scar is use exfoliating products that are going to help to basically slough off that surface layer of dead skin and use some lightening products. This is actually a product made specifically for acne scarring. It has a two percent hydroquinone. Hydroquinone is a skin lightening agent, also helps to inhibit pigment from forming within the follicle. So, using this twice a day; what you would do is just take a small amount; she really doesn't have any scars, but we'll demonstrate application. So you're just going to take it and you're going to pat it on your area of concern. Let it soak into the skin and follow up with a sunscreen. You always want to make sure that you follow up with a sunscreen. So those are some tips on how you can cure acne scarring.