Common Acne Mistakes - Neglecting Early Treatment

One of the things that is most frustrating for me is individuals who have moderate acne, and who have significant scarring, and their inability, sometimes, to know that it's a very time-sensitive issue. This goes for the teenager, and the teenager's parents-well, should we treat this or not, and how aggressively shoud we treat this? I think that if you leave acne going on and on and on... although we have lots of treatments for the scars, it's much better to stop it earlier on. It's better to stop it earlier on because you prevent scarring. It's better to stop it earlier on because it's a burden-not for everybody-but for many individuals, it reduces their social performance, their emotional development, and their interactions as humans. We get embarrassed by the fact that we have acne on our face. While always trying to use the minimum amount of medication to control the problem, sometimes we have to go through this long discussion of trying to make sure that we treat it early. I think that youngsters, 9, 10, 11 who are starting to develop acne, I think it's very sensible to start early with topical therapy, whether it be a benzoyl peroxide wash or a salicylic acid cleanser a number of these products over the counter do have benefit. Especially benzoyl peroxide-it's a very powerful anti-bacterial, it may break up whiteheads and blackheads to a certain degree, and it's extensively researched and well used. It causes bleaching, and that's something that we have to explain. Benzoyl peroxide that is put on the skin and cleaned off of the towel before it's been washed off completely will bleach the towel. The beds and the pillowcase can also become white. Having said that, it's a very good drug. Early intervention when you starting to get acne inhibits the progression.