Makeup for Blemishes & Acne Scars ow to Apply Foundation to Cover Acne

Hi, I'm Kelli on behalf of Expert Village. I'm going to talk to you about concealing acne today. We're now going to apply the foundation to the skin. Again, we're going to make sure our hands are nice and clean. I'm going to take just a little bit of this oil free liquid foundation, and apply it to the back of my hand. We're going to be using a foundation brush, which looks like this. It is a natural bristle brush. So we're just going to put a small amount on my brush. I'm going to start at the jawline, and just brush in downward strokes. I'm only using a small amount, and if you notice, it's melting right into her skin, because it is the perfect shade for her. you definitely want to make sure that you are using the right color. You don'ta want to have any line of demarkation along the jawline. You shouldn't be able to see where your foundation ends and your neck starts. And we've already used concealer on her. So we're not really trying to cover anything, we're just trying to even out the skin tone and blend everything together. Foundation is not really meant to give a heavy coverage. It's meant more to even out the skin tone If you want something that's going to cover, that's where your concealer comes into play. And if you use a brush, I recommend using a brush versus a sponge, or even your fingers. Sponges harbor alot of bacteria. And you actually end up wasting alot of your make-up when you use a sponge. It kind of absorbs into the sponge. And you get a much better blend when you use a brush. It looks alot more natural, you don't have to work so hard to get it to blend in. And you actually end up using alot less product. If you see, I didn't even use half of what I put on the back of my hand.