Derek's story and nose surgery - view time lapse surgery and before and after photos

I understand the condition I've got is called rhinophyma and I've had this condition for the last twenty years and uh... and its only this last six or seven years that I've actually uh been aware that it is... I've been living with it ok... but this last six or seven years uh... I've probably noticed it more when people start looking at me in the shopping centres and little kids sort of frighten them and I give em a little wiggle and scare them away and you know and all that sort of stuff and it got past a joke and i though it was about time I got it done and i was going to have it done before my wife passed away six years ago and I just got a bit lazy about it..and so I'd put up with it a bit longer i'm looking forward to getting it done because I think it's going to improve breathing, I hope it will and maybe alot to do with my sinus problems which I've had for quite some time...I've had alot of sinus problems and I think it all stems back to this condition that I've got and thats about it, I'm looking forward to it