Derma Roller UPDATE & Frequently Asked Questions | Does Micro Needling Dermaroller Work?

Hello everyone. So I thought I would do a frequently asked video for the dermaroller video I did a couple of months ago, actually its been more then half a year. I get a lot of questions on that video like people asking me can you post before and after pictures? Does it actually work? How often we should use it? Etc Etc So I thought I would answer some of your questions today. So question number oes it actually work? I actually never used it after that video so I can't say from my experience whether it works or not. But from principle it should, and I would be really interested to hear from you guys if you have tried it and if its worked for you. The reason why I stopped using the derma roller was because I get hormonal breakouts, really bad ones and I have food sensitivities to dairy and stuff. And it's really hard for me to give up yummy stuff so my skin is freaking out and I'll put the pictures now for you to have a look at what my skin looks like right now. Like my diet has been really bad since the past last month so my skin is like freaking out and I've broken out all over my cheeks. And I never used to get spots on my cheeks and now all here, here, everywhere I've got spots and because I have this really bad habit of picking them I've got all these new scars to deal with, so maybe if they ever go away I could use the dermaroller again but for now my skin is too active. The spots are too active for me to use anything, so I can't use anything until they actually go away. So question an you post before and after pictures, of what your skin looked like before and what it looked like after you used the dermaroller? Once again, I only used it for that video and then after that I got all my acne back due to stress so I couldn't actually use it. I haven't seen results for myself because you need to use it continuously to actually see results and I only used it once so I can't actually show you before and after pictures if that makes sense. OK next questio ow often should we use it? I would say don't use it more then twice a week because you need to keep your skin really really clean when you do use it otherwise you know it'll get infected again and you'll get new acne, new scars so use it twice a week see how it goes. You know it might end up not working for you at all. It is something you would have to experiment with, so see how it goes, try it a few times and if your skin seems to be dealing fine with it then carry on using it but I would say start with twice a week. Ok so another question I get asked quite a lot is what should we use with it? So when I, actually I have found 2 serums that are quite good and could be used with it. One of them is, let me show you. I quite like this skin renewal booster by dermalogica, and you would just apply it on the area and roll over it or you could roll on dry clean skin and then apply this afterwards. Alternatively you could use hyaluronic acid let me show you what that looks like. I have run out of this stuff, but it comes in a little bottle like this and I'll put the links for these in the description below, so check that out. Thats it and I hope I answered some of the questions you have and if you have any more I will try to answer them but if you ask me on my facebook page it's actually easier for me to answer them because of this new google profile thing which I haven't really understood yet. So yeah take care guys