Chest and Back Acne During Pregnancy

I wish I knew what to do about chest and back acne during pregnancy. All those hormones, and there's only one cure. What's that? Childbirth. I need a solution now. Regular showers and pimple popping are all natural solutions. It's hard to pop pimples on your back in good times, and I'm in my second trimester. And I really don't feel like asking my boyfriend to spend a few hours popping all these pimples. You could use benzyl peroxide or Clearasil. But I can't even take an aspirin because of the risk it poses to the baby. First of all, if you are impaired, the baby isn't helped. Second, topical skin treatments are external and you use so little that it hardly could affect the baby. So it is fine as long as I use a little. Your other alternative is taking a long hot bath is salts and such that dry out your skin. But stay away from drugs called bath salts, because you're crazy enough as is when pregnant. Don't push me, dude. I'm already in a bad mood because this baby makes me break out like a teenager. You could use pore strips to clear the blackheads. There are no chemicals in that. It's expensive. They could be, but compare it to all the other things you spend money on when pregnant. Oh, but stay away from skin creams that have salicylic acid. That's aspirin. It is the same chemical, yes. Lots of skin creams contain it, and its blood thinning properties plus pregnancy are not a good combination. Could I miscarry? It won't cause a miscarriage, but it could cause horrific blood loss if you did miscarry or go into labor. I've heard of people using toothpaste to control their acne. It's safer than Proactiv and other prescriptions. And if it is safe to use on your teeth, you can try to use it on your skin.