Is it Okay to Pop Zits?

Is it okay to pop zits? Why would you be afraid to? I'm afraid that popping the zits will spread the infection. If you pop a zit, you are getting the pus out. However, you get rid of it if you wash your face with soap and water afterward. I don't know if the zits look worse on my face popped or un-popped. Popping them clears out the infection if you clean it up, and it keeps them from getting bigger. However, if you don't wash it and put antibiotic on it, it could become worse. I've heard that popping zits can leave scars. That's a tough one. Popping a zit clears out the bacteria but can spread them to surrounding pores, while letting the infection grow can make that spot scar over time. And popping it could lead to more bacteria. Not if you wash your hands and clean under your nails first. Not if you use a sterilized zit-popper first. How long does it take for popped zits to heal? A couple of days if it doesn't get infected. I've heard you can pop them too soon. That is supposed to make things worse. If you are going to pop it, wait until it has a hard core. If you try to pop it when there isn't a hard center, you'll dig into and bruise the skin, making things worse. And pushing the infection further in. That's the last thing I want. No, the last thing you want is a pock-marked face that looks like the before picture in every skin cream commercial. True. The second worst thing is looking like Manuel Noriega, with a cratered face that the best makeup makes look normal. If in doubt, talk to a dermatologist. Maybe antibiotics or medicated creams are a better long term solution if you have a lot of zits. Prevention is worth a pound of cure. Or an hour a night popping zits.