Diet & Nutrition ow to Do a Food Elimination Diet

This is Rachael with Nutrolution in Miami Beach Florida. In this clip we're talking about how to do a food elimination diet. You might ask why, why, what's the importance of a food elimination diet, or even, what is a food elimination diet. What it is, is it's something where you eliminate all the potential allergens or foods that might be causing you an allergic reaction in your diet, foods that might be causing you GI distress, or inflammation in your body, pain, acne, migraine headaches, there's all these different conditions that can be triggered by a particular food or food chemical, so a chemical that's added to food. And the best way to find out what's causing it, is to eliminate all of the known allergens, so all the things that we know are common allergens, and to start with just the basic, basic foods. So some of the foods that you really want to cut out all together are your wheat, your soy, your dairy, and all of your processed foods, so anything that has chemicals in it at all, so sticking with your whole foods. And then slowly you can reintroduce one food at a time in order to find out what's actually causing the problem. This is Rachael with Nutrolution in Miami Beach Florida.