DMSO for Pain Relief and Faster Healing

flashed across the medical horizon dimethyl sulfoxide it was touted as a pain reliever which would also work miracles on burns on acne even on spinal cord injuries are kinda jack of all trades among drugs the medical literature was full of stories about it some a bit pro DNS all but much of it calms skeptical even derisive the Journal of the American Medical Association editorialized against it and the FDA the Food and Drug Administration refused to okay it for general use said it had never been proved effective nonetheless two states Oregon and Florida have legalized it for prescription and the black market in DMSO always become nationwide that South many Americans get it meantime puzzling story a VM asshole continues it is largely fueled by the efforts of one man doctor stanley Jacob an associate professor of surgery at the University of Oregon for 15 years this man some would say this sell it has been pushing DMSO because he believes so deeply despite the doubters in what DMSO move can do doctor Jacob isn't a drug that has so many delay fuses from arthritis to tennis elbow from burns to spinal cord injuries from mental retardation baldness isn't a drug like that automatically suspect no question and I think that that's one of the reasons is having problems in if I have to do all over again maybe a major mistake that I made my can beginning was to tell if the way it was I think if I would have said it was good for a sprained ankle but only if the ankle sprain were on the left side p.m. so maybe might be proof today because its use is legal in Oregon patients make the journey to doctor jacobs of as they are almost as if it were a domestic Laura as we've seen doctor jacobs create some of his patients topical for the bruises their eggs in flames but some others that his patience some of the most desperate our young people left paralyzed from auto and motorcycle accidents the Z give DMSO intravenously to relieve the pressure on their damaged brains to reduce the swelling in the brain or spinal cord and sometimes apparently he gets dramatic results to the swelling and spine and the to me has been on the phone I'm probably be in a chair paralyzed businessman I and so we're in the same results another Oregonian transplanted to Georgia swears by DMSO June Jones is second string quarterback for the Atlanta Falcons time was he says he could hardly race is on to throw a football he says he'd be out of the game without DMSO my problem is a much shorter so the simple thing for me to do that just put this on like this just that much but it didn't work out whatever it's worth it already rubble all around the area so justly with Sis so that a full before the adjustments it like that for for anywhere from 20 minutes 30 minutes 15 30 minutes and Lori it smells good forget about will move up by Mousavi would face that's one small special characteristic of DMSO it smells like garlic and tastes like oysters for the future but big black during the game say and it was black and blue you drop it off do this more often for Best want to ask you something to do even charlie horse yeah what do you think the painful for today try for all right after I mean I have anything the next day at all jones's several of his teammates use it too but they wouldn't talk about it in public because it offered any drug especially any illegal drugs is very both now in the NFL of business availability is the most important thing in other words for the guy gets hers you could lose his job so when someone comes to me and ask for before I give and whether I'm legally okay to do it or not I really don't feel refreshed resign on when Phelps perhaps more typical a bully gins who depend on the amount so are those who suffer chronic pain family Rudy suffered searing unrelenting pain from arthritis for years and she could find no relief she says until DMSO should no longer be playing the piano without it she told they have some very very near fingers from her three kids and the DMSO he sincere greatest friendly for miracle drug doesn't really curated Freddie easier said and it does other things for her to they had a fear blister on my lip use the missile three times in the future for us to put it away immediately it could very soon in the kitchen and sometimes think badly and views the interest-only and fee yet cuts begin to heal right away how does DMSO work what does it do inside your body that kills pain and helps healing doctor jacobs gave us the capsule understanding one is that get done flocks certain types of nerve conduction visit the fibers which produced pain secondly it reduces inflammation worse following third actually improves blood supply to an area of injury fourth and this could be the key in the test tube in certain types of injury it literally stimulates healing this young mothers and the sheriff Riverside Calif suffered severe whiplash in nerve damage in an automobile accident two years ago when we first met her last november she was in agony no pain killer no therapy no doctor it seemed could help pain was extremely mad I was to the point where I cried continuously I could not confirm email I did not clean I barely got myself dressed and it's one of the whole month they finally got to the point where they just told me you can have to offer the weather's gonna affect you and you just simply going to have to live with it then she heard about the MS auld and as a last resort Sanders urich as you can see you still very much in pain flew to Portland Oregon to be treated by doctor jagger we went with her she received her first dosages intervene min learn weekend you can use it means written because you because wouldn't that be the first one if you can resisted twenty-four hours later there was no real improvement besides you become nauseous from the treatment and 2. and Fianna you know giving more mobility about the same thinking same by the third day she was feeling a little better you began to see it interface we didn't speak any medicine how long has it been since you haven't had to take miss over two years before he left for home doctor jacobs showed roof where and how to apply DMSO tropical E to her neck and back now when you put it on going for a bit too far used to apply it to the skis enables easy literally over 40 minutes to hear from you it will be totally drive anything like Justin my phone that was last november this is Andy sherry two months later back at her Riverside Calif home all the pains gone the pain is totally completely gone from Ewing at you're serious I'm telling the truth 202 going through you can do anything can you do housework yes drive a car yes lift stuff I have not found anything I can do we asked doctor jack to come on down and take another look at you and to talk to you and us together okay non-fiction ventures and to the lesser-known any discomfort yen working how bout rates in and discomfort no sandy if you're doing this three months ago for months ago what would have happened i win pain he wouldn't have been able to text me all I can say is when it's time for me personally it worked for me two footnotes DMSO is now available for treatment of assorted ailments in Western Europe the Soviet Union Japan and Latin America and tomorrow morning in washington the House Committee on Aging begins an inquiry into why DMSO is not available to all americans for any appropriate ailment including plain and simple pain