Espinilla Gigante/ Biggest Pimple - DesfachatadosTV

Hello friends , welcome to our show today Hi doctor, i come to make me a surgery He`s our friend Raรบl Peรฑaranda. What is your problem sir?? I have a big plimp Where is it? Even i lost a litle bit... let me see,....mmmm.... this is a problem easy to solve The first step before the intervention is the desinfection Our second step is apply warm water on the area Now you can see the pores open i will like to keep for myself all what you`re going to drain. Guys pls, NO HAGAN ESTO EN CASA!!! As you can see there are some residues PURE MERENGUE!!! Can you tell us more about your problem?? Honestly it brings me some problems cause i don`t like to take off my shirt Cause the plimp is so BIG!!!โ€ฆ. and some womens rejected to me I have been scary that a girl slide her hands on my backโ€ฆ.. Sometimes they hug me and tell me what do you have there??!!! PURE MERENGUE!!! PURE MERENGUE!! PURE MERENGUE!!! And all this shit man!!!! PURE MERENGUE PURE MERENGUE All my life i was bothered by brother and cousin.. LIKE 4 MERENGUES!!! PURE MERENGUE!!! Always EL KIIWI!!โ€ฆEl Kiwi have a shit on his back,!! Always in trouble, always EL KIWI!!! Ahhh Doctor, you`re more crazy than me.. Oouch!!!`re a litle excited.. PURE MERENGUE!! This has been the end of the intervention today I don`t want to finish it hereโ€ฆ the show i`ll do Don`t forget our next intervention through DesfachatadosTV Thank you, Thanks to you for give me the opportunity to come to DesfachatadosTV Thanks You, it will be always on my heart!!