Find Best Podiatrist in Studio City - (310) 691-5411

Matthew Mille ello this is Matthew Miller with Expert Interviews TV. And today, I've got Dr. Khadavi who is a podiatrist on the line with me. Hello. Dr. Khadav ey Matthew, how are you? Thanks for having me. Matthe 'm doing great. Thank you so much for jumping on. Hopefully our viewers will get a lot of value out of this. The subject of today is how to find a great podiatrist and how to find a podiatrist in Los Angeles, in Studio City specifically. So, not to waste any time, let us jump right into it. I wanna hopefully answer some questions that will really help our viewers. Number one, do you have any tips for people who are Looking around or looking online to find a really good podiatrist or foot doctor in their local area? Dr. Khadav think in today's world, it's all about Internet and online now, so I think what everyone does is they go online and they find a physician and they read their reviews and it's great. I mean reviews are great. You get a lot of insight out of it. I think it's really important that when you do try to pick a physician or podiatrist, that you go and see more than one podiatrist, more than one physician and see if you make that connection with that physician. I think it's it's very important to feel comfortable with the physician and to feel comfortable with them being able to treat you. Anything as something very routine to something surgical, you have to feel comfortable throughout the journey going with the doctor. I think it's important that you know you should go see different podiatrist different positions and feel comfortable with the person who's treating you. Matthe reat. Would you say that as a podiatrist reputation and online reviews would play a big part in making their decision to go with that doctor? Dr. Khadav h again, I think it is important to read reviews and I think for some people who a see physicians and some people have great outcomes and they have great reviews and unfortunately other people don't have the outcomes that they were hoping for and they put a negative review. Again, I think those are key points that people look at and get insight on the physician. Again I think it's important to actually meet the physician and see them and connect with them, if you make that connection with them, to see if that is the right physician for you and not just go based off a review that somebody says it's a really interesting Matthe hat's a real interesting point. A few years ago, my wife actually had some killer bunions and she just could not find the right podiatrist. Luckily, she did finally come across the doctor that she went with using in removing those bunions and it was all because she had that personal experience and she just connected with that doctor. Dr. Khadav xactly. It is very important to connect with the physician that you are with, so that's a very key point. Matthe or some of those who are looking for a podiatrist online, what can they expect to experience with the foot doctor like yourself at Evo Advanced Foot Surgery? Dr. Khadav think Evo Advance Foot Surgery is a very different practice and other practices. I think one thing that we stress all the time is that being a good doctor, being a good surgeon, it's really a great see thing I think its it's about being above and beyond that makes on what we're all about. When patients go get surgery and other places or when people get surgery a lot of times, by having this piece paper and they send you home, but every surgical patient in our practice gets our personal cellphone number and we're on call to them 24/7, so if they have any problems they can definitely contact us and let us know. Also at Evo, we run a very low volume practice, so what that means is that, I think it is very important for us that we give the correct allocated amount of time for the patient that is necessary. Some patients need 15 minutes, some patients need an hour, but I think the important thing is that we we run a low volume practice, so we keep it available to them, so that each patient feels welcome they feel that their doctors didn't rush to see the next patient, that they feel comfortable and the doctor listening to everything that they are really saying. Matthe hat is very unique what I just heard. So, first of all, if I were to come to your practice, I would not only have as much time as I needed and feel comfortable to make that connection with you, but I'll also get your personal cellphone number, so I know that I'm just not not another number but a real person getting treated. That's fantastic. Dr. Khadav know, definitely. Matthe o, just a recap, a couple of things that we discussed here today. Number one ofcourse is that on my reputation reviews play a big part. But whether it's a good review or bad review, really check it out and maybe just count some of the negative ones because you are suggesting to go and actually meet the doctors and physicians to see if you get that personal connection with them, correct? Dr. Khadav xactly. Exactly. Matthe nd you feel not just like another number, so you actually feel like a real person. Of course at Evo Advanced Foot Surgery, you run a very different practice, it seems like where where you kind of turn this industry upside down a little bit, where you're not just a number, you actually gives much time as you need and the personal cellphone number with the doctor to help them through this process. Dr. Khadav xactly. Exactly. Matthe re there any final words you'd like to leave with the viewers before we end this call? Dr. Khadav just want to say thank you for having me and I hope this helps everybody out there and they go and see a podiatrist if they need one. Matthe hanks a lot. Dr. Khadav r. Khadav hanks for having me.