Healthy Skin Care ow to Get Rid of a Pimple

Did you know that the white pus inside of a pimple is actually a build up of white dead blood cells? My name is Keeley Selvage with "Keeley's Skin Solutions" and I'm going to show you how to get rid of a pimple. The first thing that you want to do is remember to start with a sanitary environment. You want your hands to be clean and you want your face to be clean. It is best also to do it maybe right when you get out of the shower that way maybe the steam has opened your pores and the tissue is soft but if not and that is not convenient you want to use a hot towel compress over the affected area. I have a hot towel here and I'm just going to hold it right here over the forehead. You can do this for at least one minute. Then what we are going to do is I'm going to take two tissues and I'm going to wrap them around my index fingers like that and I'm going to gently squeeze the pimple. You don't want to go like that with your fingers because you could injure the skin but you want to do it like this or even like this. So you want to pull it tight, squeeze it and gently rock it back and forth. If it doesn't seem to want to come then it is probably not ready and you don't want to over squeeze it because you can scar the pore. You want to do that until all the puss is out and until clean blood comes out and that insures that there is no more infection. After that you want to dab it with maybe an astringent to kill the remaining bacteria and seal it with an oil free moisturizer. My name is Keeley Selvage with "Keeley Skin Solutions" and that is how you pop a pimple.