Healthy Skin Care ow to Get Smoother Skin

Did you know that the skin is our body's largest organ? Hi, my name is Keeley Selvage with Keeley's Skin Solutions, and I'm going to show you how you can get smoother skin at home. What we're going to do is first start with clean skin. It's best to if you can do it maybe fresh out of the shower so that the tissue is soft. Cleanse your skin twice; wash and rinse, wash and rinse. Then what we're going to do is I have a little mixture here and it's made of cane sugar and lemon juice; and that's all you need. The lemon juice has a natural fruit acid in it that's a natural exfoliant, which removes the dead skin; basically it dissolves or eats away at the dead skin on the surface. And then the sugar that's in the mixture is just going to help it along. So we're going to take a little bit, and it can be messy. Just going to take a little bit, apply it to the skin and I'm going to let my model rub it in just like she would at home. And you want to do that for 3 to 5 minutes. If it starts to, you know sting a little bit or burn that's totally normal; it's good actually. Go ahead and rinse it off at that point, you can wipe it off with a wash rag and then just splash some cool water on your skin. After that you want to apply a hydrating mist and some moisturizer and your skin is good to go; looking healthy and smooth, and fresh and youthful. My name is Keeley Selvage with Keeley's Skin Solutions, and that is how you get smoother skin.