Healthy Skin Care ow to Make Scars Go Away

Did you get a nasty cut or maybe even a recent surgery that you're afraid is going to cause a scar? My name is Keeley Selvage with "Keeley's Skin Solutions" and I'm going to tell you how to diminish the look of a scar. You have a look here at our model and he has got a good looking scar right there on his finger. So what we want to do is apply some oil to the area. This is best to do when the wound is fresh and the reason for that, the reason for that is because the massage of the oil is actually going to bring blood to the surface which is going to aid in the healing process and it is actually going to break up any scar tissue. So if you do that on a regular basis twice a day at least for five to ten minutes you're going to see that the scar starts to diminish really. Also it is great to drink water and that is going to aid in the healing process as well. My name is Keeley with "Keeley's Skin Solutions" and that is how you diminish the look of a scar.