Healthy Skin Care ow to Remove Fiberglass From Skin

So you've put some insulation in your house and maybe it is in your attic and you are itching from it. You have that fiberglass on your skin. What do you do to get rid of it? Well the first thing you want to try is hop in the shower and first rinse with cold water, as cold as long as you can stand it. That's going to keep your pores closed so that hopefully that fiberglass will just wash off. Then you want to alternate it with warm water, keep going cold and warm and alternate it and eventually that fiberglass will work itself out. If you are still itchy after that what you need to do is grab a piece of duct tape like so and you want to wrap it around maybe three fingers so that the sticky side is out as you can see, there we go and you just want to take it, you don't have to put a lot of pressure on it at all and just kind of take it and roll it on the skin just like that and thats going to pick up all of those left over pieces of fiber glass that are sitting on the skin. If you are on the job site and you have some fiber glass on your skin and there is no shower available, this is perfect, this is a great way to do it. Just like that and if you are still itchy after you do those things you can go ahead and soak in a bath tub, a nice cool bath tub or even a little bit warm one is going to be o'kay too but the cooler the better. My name is Keeley Selvage with "Keeley's Skin Solutions" and that is how you remove fiberglass from the skin.