Healthy Skin Care oxic Effects of Paint on Skin

Are you worried about that paint that you got on your skin? My name is Keeley Selvage from "Keeley's Skin Solutions" and I'm going to talk to you about the toxic effects of paint on the skin. For the most part you are pretty safe but there are some paints that contain tributiline oxide and that can cause contact dermatitis. That's a skin condition that causes a little bit of peeling, some redness and bumps. If that lasts for more than two days go and see a doctor, other than that if you have seen Goldfinger that might have scared you a little bit. Do you remember when she got painted with gold and she died from asphyxiation, that's not going to happen to you, paint will not do that. The only thing that it will cause is maybe some over heating because it does keep your skin from perspiring so if you are going to paint your whole body then just be careful and take it off in enough time and keep yourself cool. My name is Keeley Selvage with "Keeley's Skin Solutions" and that is the toxic effects of paint on the skin.