In this clip we are going to talk about herpes and other viral conditions that you may have and believe it or not these are incredibly common conditions so you are not alone if you are facing it. The most important things to do are to focus on improving your immune health and keeping your body resilient so that these types of viruses don't have a chance to be shown. Nutritionally things that you can do to fortify your immune system are to eat more nutritious foods like your vegetables, your proteins, your healthy fatty acids, your raw foods, your nut seeds and avocados and other things that you can do are reducing your sugars, improving your sleep patterns, improving your exercise patterns and a couple of foods that actually promote herpes growth that you want to eliminate on the onset of an outbreak are chocolates and nuts in particular and fortify your lysine content with a supplement such as this one which is an amino acid lysine and that one actually limits the viral growth entirely so if you take around 1,000 to 1,500 milligrams a day several times you will be on your way to limiting the growth of the virus.