Jenni Smalley Scar Treatment Testimonial

As an I.C.U. nurse I see a lot of scars every day. I know how it has affect on people. Personally, I've had a scar that has haunted me for many years. "Jenni Smalley unpaid testimonial." I have a scar that I've had since my teenage years, on my abdomen. And it's just, it's hideous and it's ugly and the boys use to make fun of me at the pool and you know, say nasty things. So my last surgery, about a year ago, I was a little apprehensive because I was afraid of the scarring. After using Kelo-cote for a couple of weeks and realizing that the scars were minimal and that they were starting to disappear, it was such a great feeling looking in the mirror. Just realizing I wouldn't have the haunting feeling for the rest of my life. I would definitely recommend Kelo-cote to anyone, family and friends, um, patients that I work with on a daily basis. I really got results from Kelo-cote. I would put it on after I got out of the shower. And then once in the evening, later on. And you don't even know it's there. There's a lot of products out there that say that they will heal scars and I've used them all. I tried vitamin E, I tried cortisone shots, I tried bio-oil, lots and lots of things. The list goes on and on. And nothing works like Kelo-cote.