Sara Albers, Skin Care Products, Laser Resurfacing, Bioidentical Hormones

KATH i, I'm Dr. Kathy Maupin. I am the founder and medical director of BioBalance Health. And I'm here with Sara who has been a patient of ours in many ways over all of the different kinds of services that we offer for BioBalance. Thank you for coming today, I appreciate your time. Now, first, you've used all three thing ou've used our products, you've had laser therapy on your face, and you've also had pellets. So. I'd like to start asking you about our laser therapy. You had Pixel Laser, which is a resurfacing kind of procedure, and can you tell me about how your skin looked before you did this and why you had it done? SAR ell, I've always been very self-conscious with acne scars, and mainly in my cheeks. And I've complained about it for years and now that the lasers - I mean I even looked years ago into the derm-operations - but now that lasers are so popular and easy, i decided to give it a try. And after just the two treatments, I told some friends that I want to do one more, and they don't see why. KATH nd from here I can't see anything, you have almost no makeup on. SAR o, I don't wear a lot of makeup. KATH o, it looks amazing, and we don't have any before and after pictures, but you look completely different. Now I want you to tell about the pixel. Before I trained on the pixel, before I used it on my patients, I was always worried that it would hurt too much. I've had pixel now, with our machine, with a different laser and it did hurt before, but our laser is new and it really isn't painful to me, but that could just be me. Could you tell us about how it went, how you put on lightoderm or lightocreme? SAR hey do put the cream on there that has the numbing gel. And it is uncomfortable but painful? I don't think so. And even post-procedure, I did not have the blistering or the raw skin. The pain was very minimal. KATH ow much was your downtime? SAR h Gosh, virtually nothing. Three days, maybe three days. Because I think that I had it on a thursday and I didn't go out friday. It was red, but by Sunday, you could hardly tell. KATH id Suzie do a peel or did she give you any products to make it get better faster? SAR here was a gel that had vitamin E in it, i believe. KATH es, that is the revitalizing eye gel. SAR es, it was a revitalizing product. And then she encouraged me to purchase the mask that goes along with that I did that about 14 days after each one of those. KATH ow did that feel? Did it hurt? SAR h no, Oh my gosh, no. Not at all. And it has the two different toners, you use them in succession. No, that didn't hurt at all. KATH t's about a 20 minute time frame for using it, but it exfoliates all of the dead skin thats occurred and it let's your new skin come out and shine. SAR hat was easy - sitting in a jacuzzi for 20 minutes, because you have to keep it moist. KATH ince I have this at the office, I usually do that. It's green you can't use white towels, but I usually do that all over and shower off in 20 minutes just to get that dead skin off and it works beautifully. SAR really like that product, I had forgotten about that. KATH nd you told me about the product that you thought was the best for you. Everyone has a favorite. SAR hat's the Collagen cream. And I have tried many, many products. I've gone online, researched, and I have found nothing that is as good for me as that cream. KATH live in that here in the winter, because the winters are very dry, we have the heat on for a long time. And I use it in the summer as well, but I have to reapply it several times during the winter. It keeps my skin from drying out pretty much. The way it works is not just feeding your skin, but it blocks your skin from losing the water that you take in, so you're actually conserving your own water so that you don't evaporate it in the low humidity. But in St. Louis it's humid most of the time, so using it once a day is fine in the summer. Now you've done these other things, you've experienced these other things, which is awesome. Tell me about how you felt before the pellets and how you felt after the pellets, because that's what you did first. SAR atigue was my biggest factor, and a friend of mine, my best friend, she works for you and she would never have encouraged me to try something if she didn't truly believe in the product. And plus, she hears all of these people talking about how wonderful it is, so she did encourage me to come in for an eval. And I think the number one thing that I really liked first was the blood work that you look at. I don't think - and I've been to the Internus many times complaining about the fatigue and it's you know, oh you're busy, you're this, you're that, you're working, you're a mom. But you looked at everything! KATH our Thyroid, all of your hormones, your B-12. . . SAR y B-12 was low, which I didn't know, And my Testosterone, you had found was extremely low and I can't even remember the other blood work. Now, KATH he Esterone was high and your thyroid was off. SAR es. And you looked at everything. It wasn't just a matter of getting a pellet, you also made other recommendations that were simple. Get your B-12 shot. You know, things like that you don't profit from per-say, but you just want me to feel better. KATH o, I don't profit from that at all. SAR o, you made those recommendations and that was my favorit hat I finally had some science to back up why I was fatigued. And yes, I have had the pellets; I am in that lovely stage of perimenopause, which we blame on everything. I would definitely say that my energy is better, it really is. I can't deny that. KATH hat is such an important thing. Do you sleep better, too? Or have you always slept? SAR o, my sleep never has really been good. KATH o that's not an age thing, that's a life thing. SAR 'm great at falling asleep and then I tend to wake up. KATH t's too bad that that didn't get better too, but if your energy got better then you can get through the day. SAR h, much better, yeah! KATH ell, I'm really glad that you were able to take time out of your very busy day to come and talk about this, and you look wonderful. And am so glad that we could have a positive effect on you and it makes us very happy, the nurses and me, to make people better. SAR nd I believe that you feel that way, I really do. KATH hank you. Well thank you so much for joining us and if you would like to learn more about BioBalance Health or BioBalance Pellets, please join us on the web at or call us at (314) 993-0963. Copyright ยฉ 2011 BioBalance Health | St. Louis, MO 63141 โ€ข 314.993.096 Produced by Davis Interactive.