I'm Keeley Selvage with Keeley's Skin Solutions. I've been a licensed clinical aesthetician for over half a decade and I'm going to talk to you about laser scar removal cost. Now there are three different fees involved with laser scar removal. There's the facility fees, physician fees, and anesthesia fees. Now because a lot of times, you'll combine your treatments, maybe with a chemical treatment, your anesthesia fees and your facility fees can be combined. Now there are many different issues involved with scar removal, therefore you will most likely need repeated treatments and also different combination of treatments. Again, with the chemical treatments, or micro-dermabrasion even. So therefore, you want to consult a physician. There's really no way to estimate on your own how much a treatment is going to cost. Consult a physician, talk to them about what they estimate it to be. Now insurance can cover some of these treatments if it's a medical necessity, however it won't cover anything that is purely cosmetic. Now, if it's too much of a fee to pay all at once, talk to the physician about making payments. A lot of times they do have financing plans. My name is Keeley Selvage with Keeley's Skin Solutions and that is how much laser hair removal costs.