Our Clients Love our Affordable Hair Removal, IPL Skin Rejuvenation & Oxygen Facials

Emmanuell eople come to BodyBrite because they are tired of shaving, tired of waxing or they are tired of paying for those extremely expensive laser treatments. People have discovered that while we use a very similar technology to laser, IPL is a lot more gentle on the skin, while giving them the permanent results they are looking for and it is much more affordable. BodyBrite's IPL technology is the most effective least painful method available amongst hair removal techniques Chelse am so happy that I found you guys because now it has cut my shaving in half, which is nice, and I've only been through 3 sessions so far and I am super impressed with how much of a difference its already made. Davi efore when I shaved, my hair would come back and it would still be coarse and thick, and so I just knew that I would have to go through the whole process again. But here, every single time I've had my treatments, it gets less and less thick and now it's barely any hair at all, so it's been a huge difference. Chelse was looking for price point, which is huge for me. A lot of things you have to finance, and it's nice that the deals are absolutely fantastic and you can pay as you go. Davi ut it is not painful at all, the treatments are roughly anywhere from 45 min to an hour, each sessions, and if it were uncomfortable or painful I wouldn't go through it. Chelse lot of my guy friends actually shave all of their chests and bodies every day, so this is a much better option for them to even just slow the hair growth down if they want to come a couple times. Davi feel that just going through this process, and especially given how affordable it is, I don't see why anyone else wouldn't want to do it, it is just an easy solution. Emmanuelle, CO e also offer skin rejuvenation utilizing IPL technology, also referred to as PHOTOFACIALS. These treatments restore elasticity and luminosity to the skin by stimulating the creation of new elastin and collagen coils. Fantastic for reducing sun damage and blemishes the treatments will give you a firmer more brilliant skin that will be noticeable from the first treatment. We are very excited to offer our new state of the art oxygen facial, this is a wonderful treatment that utilizes pure oxygen and a special herbal serum to rehydrate your skin and leaves your face looking visibly younger and smoother. It is ideal for a special occasion but it can simply be integrated into your anti-aging routing. You will love it. At BodyBrite we believe in helping our clients bring their beauty to light, we are very excited to finally be able to offer our clientele high end aesthetic service at an affordable price. So come and see us!