
Welcome to Atlantic Dermatology. We're located in Wilmington, North Carolina and I'm Dr. Crane. I'm a board certified dermatologist, and I'm here to talk about Psoriasis. Psoriasis is a very common condition that we see on a daily basis. Often these patients present with thick, scaly plaques. It could be thick scaly plaques on the scalp, it could come up on the elbows, the knees or really anywhere on the body. Topical steroids are one treatment that really helps with Psoriasis and often knocks it down within a matter of weeks. Some people with thick scaly plaques on their scalp, they'll get knocked down within two weeks of a strong topical steroid solution. And then there are topical medications that are non-steroidal, such as tar applications, vitamin D derivatives. Now if this is still not enough, there are pills by mouth that work real well. Methotrexate's a pill that works by mouth and if that's still not enough, then there's a new class of medication that's come out in the past 10 years called the biologics, and these are typically injectable medications and you might do an injection every other week. Or some of the new biologics even spacing out as far as once every 3 months and that'll often keep the Psoriasis clear. So if you're having problems with your Psoriasis, then see your dermatologist. Thank you!